Digital Design by Native Anthro

     Native Anthro is owned and operated by me, an enrolled Yakama artist. Everything on my site was designed by me. I have been doing graphic design on and off since 2006. I did an album cover for one of Clayton Chief's albums back in the day and caught the bug. I have also done graphic work for my former program at Yakama Nation Wildlife and at Yakama Nation Cultural Resources Program including website visuals, powerpoint templates, pamphlets, etc. I also started video editing in grad school but that’s another story.
For someone who did beadwork and made traditional regalia, it was a challenge getting those mediums in the mainstream. Digital art helped cross that gap so that I could produce modern products with my work. Along the way folks have asked for my assistance, and I love to help. Enough that I need to establish some guidelines for myself and my customers.

Custom Graphic Design

     There have been a number of requests for custom work, logo work, special orders. I really appreciate your requests because I love this work. But it is work and it takes time, resources and energy to make it all happen. This is a one person shop. Designing, website, marketing, order fulfillment, shipping, manufacturing, answering emails is all done by me. This page has my current rate for graphic design work as of January 19, 2021.

     Custom Graphic design is $350 with two rounds of minor edits. This also includes a 1/3 down, non-refundable deposit. Any edits beyond the two rounds will cost $100/edit. Once the deposit is made, I need two weeks to develop the first draft for review and edits. After that I will need a week to make edits for draft #2. After the second round of edits I will need a week to make these edits and then submit what is assumed to be the final draft. (Estimated timeline: 4 weeks)

     Once the deal is done, you have exclusive use of that design including print files. I keep copies as backup, but recommend keeping your print files on a trustworthy storage device. Your images will be sent via email (if possible) and thumb drive.

(If you are requesting custom work for items I carry, the design work price detailed above applies.  However, there are no wholesale prices or bulk-order discounts for those items. COVID isn't helping anyone nowadays and it is very difficult to fulfill these orders)

     File types that can be provided are: PNG, PDF, JPEG, PSD. Print companies use any one of those file types.

     If you would like submit a request for design work please email me at